Приклади використання Spine

Spine використовують по всьому світу і видавці з багатомільйонними бюджетами, і невеликі ігрові студії, і незалежні розробники. Нижче наведено приклади використання Spine у мобільних іграх та іграх для настільних комп'ютерів, в інтерактивних оповіданнях, фільмах, мультиках, коміксах і спецефектах.

Spine was the backbone of our art and animation pipeline on Return To Monkey Island. All the animators and artists loved using it, as it really allowed us to focus on our craft, and work fast enough that we could throw in extra ideas and polish. I just don’t think it would have been possible to make Return To Monkey Island, with it’s huge cast of animated characters, locations, and cut-scenes, using any other 2D software!Rex Crowle, Art Director for Return to Monkey Island
Axe in Face 2 needed a lot of animated characters on the screen, without compromising quality or performance. We also needed the ability to change outfits for our main character with minimum effort. We accomplished all of these goals using Spine and we think that it is an excellent animation tool!Søren Lauge Boll, COO & Creative Producer
To make a great impression on kids we needed a natural and expressive animation. Spine with its smoothness and mesh deformation allowed us to achieve this without harming the development flexibility.Vyacheslav Borovik, Animator
To create Bulb Boy we needed about a thousand of unique grayscale animations, many of them using frame-by-frame technique. The accesiblity and flexibility of Spine made it our best choice.Szymon & Artur, Bulbware
Spine saved us hundreds of hours and megabytes of shipped assets, thanks to its skeletal animation and skins system. On top of all that, the mesh deformation allowed us to add mind blowing 3D effects to our 2D game easily.Fede Puopolo, Game Designer & Animator

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