I have been using Spine for a few months now and it has been amazing. I started making these complicated rigs with lots of meshes and weights. I have been getting bogged down at the step where I need to start transferring weight influence on an image from one bone to another. I have been binding up to 20 bones to an image (I'm making some complex facial controls). At a point in the process, I subtract the influence from one bone and add it to another. I use the direct tool so I can get precise numbers. Sometimes I use the dragging feature and sometimes I enter the number into the "weight" section. When I add weight to one, it subtracts a percentage of weight from another bone. I have found workarounds, but when there are more than 2 bones involved the math gets tricky and slows me down, because some of the other influence amounts need to stay constant. Is there a feature you guys can add where you can lock the influence percentage on certain vertices, or perhaps on an whole mesh? Or is there another solution that I am not seeing?
I hope this makes sense and I'd be glad to further clarify if you need.