The Run time is Cocos2D-X I've downloaded the latest latest version from your GitHub and replaced the internal one ( I believe, it did fix some other crash bugs, so seems to be all good, the needed steps have changed since you wrote your guide 😉 ) as of 6 days ago ( so I don't have the rendering vertex calculation fix yet ). The app is running on Windows 10, but using the win32 project built on VS Studio Community 2017.
My code is as follows, nothing fancy,
auto spineBase = JSON_GET_AS_STRING(setup, "spine");
m_spineAnim = JSON_GET_AS_STRING(setup, "spine_anim");
float spineScale = JSON_GET_AS_FLOAT(setup, "spine_scale") / 100.0f;
m_spineTest = spine::SkeletonAnimation::createWithJsonFile(spineBase + ".json", spineBase + ".atlas", spineScale);
//m_spineTest = spine::SkeletonAnimation::createWithJsonFile("spine\\goblins\\export\\goblins-ess.json", "spine\\goblins\\export\\goblins.atlas", 1.0f);
The DUCK_RINS animation will crash during the JSON Parse. Sometimes I get a "Heap corruption warning", others I get an exception fire when free(json) is called. Seems that on release it sometimes doesn't crash, so random memory corruption seems to be the cause.
I was waiting on sign off for uploading the animations publicly, I can put this in a ticket on GitHub if you like?