I'm guessing this post will end up becoming a feature request: I'd like to mix two animations, but be selective about which bones are updated. The other posts I've seen around the forum seem to overcomplicate this, or are just outdated and don't take full advantage of the runtime's animation track functionality.
After looking through the runtime's code, I suspect I'd need to add to Skeleton, Bone, AnimationState, and/or TrackEntry... though, admittedly, after looking through the code it's difficult to discern where it makes the most sense for "ignoreBones" or "boneMixWeights" to live. My best guess was TrackEntry, but now that I've read through the code, I'm not sure that's true. (I also suspect that I'll need to enumerate the child bones of a parent and either automatically add them to the array, or have a separate array under the hood that has them there.
Anyway, just looking some pointers from anyone that knows the codebase better than my mostly superficial perusing.
P.S. I'm ultimately hoping to have my idle, walk, run, jump animations mixed with my torso heavy (but not exclusively) animations (like attack), with a simple interface that doesn't require custom C++ methods for every custom mix.