Hi guys,
I have a set of Spine exports which I am using in Unity with their UI system with SkeletonGraphic components, which for the most part work well.
The issue I am having is that the UI anchors don't seem to alter Spine elements in a similar fashion to built in Unity UI elements. An example of this is that if I have a 16:9 full screen object and I want this object to be anchored to 100% of the screen, when I switch to another resolution, say 18:9, the graphics do not resize to fit the screen size and will have a portion off the screen.
Is there a way I can get SkeletonGraphic components to respect the settings of the RectTransform anchors for the object they are attached to? Positional anchoring works without issue in respect to the RectTransform but all scaling is ignored.
An example can be seen here.
On the left is a Spine SkeletonGraphic anchored within the screen boundary, on the right is a Unity UI Image, anchored to a similar portion of the screen.
At 16:9 the top of the Spine object is within the screen and the image on the right is within the screen as can be seen below:

At 18:9 the top of the Spine object has left the top of the screen while the Unity UI Image on the right has maintained its position and scale to fall within the screen as can be seen below:

This functionality is essential to handling multiple devices (e.g. phones at 18:9 against tablets at 4:3 for example). If anyone has any input on how I could achieve the same effect with Spine objects I would appreciate it.