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SkeletonDataAsset does not automatically update?
We're in mid-production of a game, so naturally there are lots of changes and adjustments being done to Spine files. An issue we are finding however is whenever we replace the skeleton.json in Unity for an existing SkeletonDataAsset, it doesn't update. The only pipeline we've found that will do the update is going into the SkeletonDataAsset prefab for the object, setting the Skeleton JSON under SkeletonData to Null, and then re-applying the skeleton.json file.
Is there any way to make the SkeletonData do this automatically without us needing to constantly manually update every modified file? We've tried Reimporting the files but no luck.
Thanks very much for reporting this issue - we have not encountered this before but were able to reproduce it in the following case:
An existing character in a scene does not update (immediately) when changing a slot color in Spine and re-exporting the json file over the existing one. The actual re-import was triggered:
Changes to 'Assets/Testing/TestMultipleAtlases/Goblinexport/goblins-pro.json' detected. Clearing SkeletonDataAsset: Assets/Testing/TestMultipleAtlases/Goblinexport/goblins-pro_SkeletonData.asset
but as it seems, not to the full extent, since the color of the existing character in the scene was not updated.
We reproduced this in Unity 2018.3.
Could you please let us know what your changes you performed (animation changes, slot changes, structural changes, etc) that were not applied?
Do you get the message "Changes to '<assetname>' detected. ..."
in the console, or is this missing as well?
Does the inspector preview window show your changes when selecting the SkeletonData asset file, or is it unchanged as well?
I have added an issue ticket here:
[unity] SkeletonDataAsset does not automatically update · #1330
The issue has just been fixed.
Please let us know if you encounter any circumstances under which auto-reload does not yield the expected result.
New unitypackages are available for you to download here as usual:
Spine Unity Download