Hi, I'm a software engineer named Aige, Firsts of all thank you for this great software. I study 2D animation recently because of work reasons, I created a demo import skeleton from Photoshop exported step by step followed tutorial video:
My demo is very very simple, just three basic geometry graphics:

I follow tutorial video and download script from: https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts/tree/master/photoshop, and put it in my Photoshop script folder. When i export used script, "*.json" file and "images" folder generated under my project folder:

All seems ready. But when i import data to Spine, Spine tips JSON skeleton error:

I clicked "Open Log", dialog was dismissed and nothing happen...
I try again and again through my whole night...each PS ver, each Spine ver, also each script ver...but the error still happen...Is my OS problem? or the trial version of Spine can't import anything?
My work environment:
- OS: WIN 10 for Home.
- PS: Adobe Photoshop CC 2019
- Spine: Spine 3.8.12-beta Trial...

My demo project: