Hello, I am an independent developer from Korea who is currently working with Unreal Engine. I have some questions regarding the functions of the Spine-ue4 runtime. Before you read, please do understand that my English is not really great, and thus some questions may be hard to understand.
Does Spine-ue4 runtime support applying multiple skins to a single skeleton? I would like to know if there is any method to apply multiple skins for each different parts (For example, character's hair skin, skincolor skin, outfit skin, and weapon skin) altogether.
It is impossible to confirm on spine editor, but I heard it is possible on runtime, and I also heard that multiple applying of skins is possible on Unity engine. Is this not possible on Unreal engine?

I can set up skins on Runtime through ‘Set Skin’ node, but when I use the node second time, only the skin relayed to first node is applied and not the second one.(Layout1)
<Weapon Skins>
<Hair Skins>
The skins were created and were placed in separate categories on Spine editor.
As I mentioned, it was impossible to apply multiple skins through “Set Skin” node on the blueprint. So instead of applying multiple skins on one skeleton, I separated the skeleton and created one for each skin part separately.
On Unreal Spine Runtime no more than 1 spine skeleton can be allocated to one blueprint actor, so I spawned multiple Child Actor with separate skeletons and combined them altogether.(Layout2)
However, this makes too much actors and thus causes severe performance downgrade, so it is hard to apply it to the actual game. I would like to know whether this is the best I can do, or if there is other more efficient way.
I did came across solution through C (http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/Multiple-skins-approach-10930), but I prefer using solution within the use of blueprints since that is which I am mainly using.
If Unreal Runtime does not support such functions with blueprints, I sincerely hope that you would add them in the near future.