Each Spine license is for a specific, named user. Each person using Spine must have their own Spine license.
This means your friend shouldn't share a Spine license with you, as each Spine user is required to own their own copy of the software.
每个Spine许可证适用于特定的指定用户。 每个使用Spine的人都必须拥有自己的脊柱许可证。
As you can also read on our purchase page:
Spine: 购买 Spine
Support: Can I allow a friend or a group to use my Spine license%3F
The trial cannot be activated. Once you purchase Spine, a link will be sent to your email to download the Spine installer.
审判无法激活。 购买Spine后,会在您的电子邮件中发送一个链接以下载Spine安装程序。