• Runtimes
  • [UE4] After upgrading to version 3.8, there are some problem

After upgrading the project to version 3.8, we found that the character animation will leave the last frame on the screen, and there is no Clear, I wonder if this is an editor bug? Or is there a problem with our production process? Our current temporary solution is to hide the last frame of the first animation in the first frame of the second animation, so that the problem will disappear. I want to know what caused this? In the 3.7 version, there is no such problem.

I have provided the test project and the original animation file in the attachment.

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Thanks for the project files. Interesting you are only changing attachments (images), not animating the bones much. The animations don't leave an attachment behind in the Preview view in Spine, or in the Skeleton Viewer, which uses the reference runtime implementation (spine-libgdx). That leaves 2 possibilities: 1) a bug in spine-cpp or spine-ue4, or 2) a problem with how you are applying the animations. In the code you sent (unless I'm missing something), the only place you set an animation is SpineboyCppPawn sets walk. How are you setting the punch animations in your video? Note that calling AnimationState clearTrack or AnimationState clearTracks can leave an attachment behind.

Nate написав

Thanks for the project files. Interesting you are only changing attachments (images), not animating the bones much. The animations don't leave an attachment behind in the Preview view in Spine, or in the Skeleton Viewer, which uses the reference runtime implementation (spine-libgdx). That leaves 2 possibilities: 1) a bug in spine-cpp or spine-ue4, or 2) a problem with how you are applying the animations. In the code you sent (unless I'm missing something), the only place you set an animation is SpineboyCppPawn sets walk. How are you setting the punch animations in your video? Note that calling AnimationState clearTrack or AnimationState clearTracks can leave an attachment behind.

The logic of the attack animation exists in the blueprint script of UE4, not written in Cpp code. After clicking the play button, press the 1 key to play the animation.

badlogic написав

This is a bug in the UE4 renderer. I've created an issue here: [ue4] Renderer retains mesh of last animation frame · #1435

Thank you for your reply, I will continue to pay attention to this issue.

This was a bug in AnimationState.cpp which is now fixed in both the 3.8 and 3.9-beta branches. Please update your spine-cpp from the 3.8 branch.

Thank you for reporting!

badlogic написав

This was a bug in AnimationState.cpp which is now fixed in both the 3.8 and 3.9-beta branches. Please update your spine-cpp from the 3.8 branch.

Thank you for reporting!

Ok, I will update my code to see if the problem goes away.