Hello, I'm trying to set skins and attachments on a character using Blueprints but I'm having issues with it, both in a blueprint with the skeleton and on a UI widget. Using Spine 3.8.75, UE 4.22.3 and the spine runtimes 3.8
The character loads just fine, and on the blueprint with the skeleton I can see the different skins using the Preview Skin functionality on the SpineSkeletonAnimation component. On the UI widget the character loads fine with the default skin, but if I change the skin at runtime using the SetSkin node the skin is loaded wrong, as if pulling from the wrong part of the atlas or as if trying to fit a different size character.
The attachment does not generate any errors on the output log in Unreal, but using the Set Attachment node always fails, I have tried several different names on the attachment. Not sure if this is an export option that I am missing, or if a naming issue, or if I'm somehow missing a step, but this does not work.
Here's the blueprint setup
Here's what I believe is the same attachment I'm trying to set in the blueprint on the .atlas file:
Here's the character with a skin properly loaded with the Skin Preview:
Here's the character with the default skin loaded in the widget:
Here's the issue on the widget, loading the same skin that was previewed in the blueprint: