Hello again Erikari 🙂
Thanks for your help. Yep having one image for full arm or leg can cause problems too, as was my "setup" with the same arm or leg splitted in two. I tried a few new things and now I think I know how to continue my progress.
I post the different steps below to have some review on what could be improved, and who knows, if it can help others users to have examples... 🙂
First try: everything splitted. Kind of ok for some cases where I dont bend the arm too much:

Result if I bend a lot:

Second try: I merged the biceps and the forearm together. Kind of better and ... not really.


Third and last try
So here is where I am now, I quickly created a joint to be in background and that have a black line border(and skin color) to fill the gaps. I erased the exceeds lines and color from both biceps and forearm to avoid overridings. I know this isn't perfect yet but I will continue to work on it, I know that it will be successful with this approach:

And here is the result: