(Sorry for the late answer)
Thanks for the additional info, I start to understand. But the issue is that we are on a ScriptableObject, there is no SkeletonRenderer here, just data. So instead I added an Odin button with a function to provide a reference of the SkeletonDataAsset to each element of the array, and it worked fine...
But then I realized it was already working! Don't know what I changed, most likely the variable name, but each element from the array now somehow recognize the "skeletonDataAsset" variable from the main ScriptableObject, so I don't need to provide a reference for each of them, which is exactly what I wanted:

So either it's black magic or it seems that the parameters dataField:"skeletonDataAsset" is more powerful that we expected! Looks like it reaches out to all variable on the current gameobject or something like that.