wqj7894 我想做一个升降梯的动画,但是发现spine貌似对于过长的图片有显示边界?请问该如何设置? 这是原图: 导入spine后: 如图,最上面的一部分显示不出来。 我上传了gif,可以看到显示区域似乎有限制?
Erika 您好,您的“视口像素网格”设置是否处于活动状态? 选中后,将对视口渲染进行栅格化以模拟像素画。 但是骨架渲染仅限于2048x2048。 请尝试停用该设置。 让我知道您是否还有问题。 Settings - Spine User Guide: Viewport pixel grid Hello, do you have the setting "Viewport Pixel Grid" Active? When checked, the viewport rendering is rasterized to simulate pixel art. But skeleton rendering is limited to 2048x2048. Please try to deactivate that setting. Let me know if you still have problems. Settings - Spine User Guide: Viewport pixel grid
wqj7894 Erika написав您好,您的“视口像素网格”设置是否处于活动状态? 选中后,将对视口渲染进行栅格化以模拟像素画。 但是骨架渲染仅限于2048x2048。 请尝试停用该设置。 让我知道您是否还有问题。 Settings - Spine User Guide: Viewport pixel grid Hello, do you have the setting "Viewport Pixel Grid" Active? When checked, the viewport rendering is rasterized to simulate pixel art. But skeleton rendering is limited to 2048x2048. Please try to deactivate that setting. Let me know if you still have problems. Settings - Spine User Guide: Viewport pixel grid 谢谢!停用后能正常显示了!非常感谢!