recently I've noticed some broken spine objects in our builds on all android devices.
For example, I have animated chest. In unity editor looks absolutely fine but on devices looks like it Z-fights with invisible plane. There are visibile glitch lines. Whole animation is in UI and doesn't even have depth testing on (or at least it shouldn't have).
Result looks like this:

Can somebody please tell me where might be the problem? Has anybody seen that kind of bug before?
I've tried complete project cleanup, reimport. College also exported spine again and nothing helped. It worked for one month, nobody touched that since it was included into out project and just now it broke. We didn't upgrade unity, spine runtime nor spine editor.
Just few parameters:
Unity 2019.3.0f5 Window 10
Spine 3.8-2020-03-02 (and spine editor 3.8)
Thank you.
I've managed to make workaround by adding
ZTest Off
to Spine-Skeleton.shader
It's not a good fix, but since it works there is a new question:
Why 2D spine object in GUI even tests depth and why depth test is not optional?