Hi, thanks for the reply.
Here is one of the PNGs: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqJy6uMixvRxgepvwZqnFzJTYKwjjw?e=CBhntw
I don't see an option to select sRGB in the Affinity Designer exporter, so I don't know about that, but I checked that is was the same as the previous animation's images, which I didn't have this problem with.
I am on a Mac mini with a Samsung monitor and the colour profile is set to U28E590, which is the model of the monitor.
I first noticed the difference in Chrome, which developing the game, so it's not just in Spine that there is a difference.
Update: looks like there is a colour profile option in the Affinity products (https://affinityspotlight.com/article/display-colour-management-in-the-affinity-apps/), so I will have a play with it tomorrow. This is almost certainly the issue.
Thanks again,
That was it! The document setup itself was not set to sRGB on the second animation, and it wasn't an export option. Once I converted it, everything was fine.