Hello again, Esoteric crew. I know this isn't the easiest request so I don't expect it any time soon - I just want to voice how helpful a feature like this would be down the line for maintaining hierarchies across multiple artists and setup.
Currently we have default skeletons for character types based on if characters are biped, quadriped, etc. that are meant to be adjusted based on the character being rigged. The problem we're facing is: when working with non in-studio animators/artists of differing expertise.
If we send characters without these default skeletons to rig from, we get naming discrepancies and all manner of hierarchy issues OR with the skeletons provided, we get scaling issues as some animators don't realize that scaling whole characters or bones before rigging results in an absolute mess for revisions - and they run on such a tight schedule that manually changing lengths, manually translating child bones are often still a skipped process which affects revisions.
The absolute best way to solve all of these issues is to provide a skeleton and a means to place the skeleton's parent bones and use a tool similar to the Pose Tool - where you can grab the tip of the bone - and drag the bone length of the selected bone position while automatically translating the child bones to always be at the tip. This would allow us to resize skeletons, preserve naming, hierarchy, and get through the initial rigging process very quickly as well as introduce new animators without extensive oversight and revisions.
Would really appreciate hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks for your time!
Just including a visualization in case this request sounds too lofty or was misunderstood. This would be a beyond tremendous help - particularly as we're gearing up to unify our skeleton bone names across what is going to be a very large number of characters that all have different proportions and pose positions - yet need to carry similar core skeleton structures and names for programmers to refer to.