Before importing my png from photoshop to spine, I resized them to 0.6 of their initial size.Then I made a rigg and some animations in spine etc. Everything is fine.
Now, I realized it would be wiser to resize the files at the latest possible moment, which would be when I export them from spine.
So I exported from photoshop my png files at size 1 and I have overwritten the previous files at size 0.6.
Spine detected the change, a pop-up appeared, I said no to scale the texture coordinate. Everything works fine.
Now here come my issue. I want to import new png to my project. For example, I want to be able to change the whole jacket of my character. When I import new files at scale 1 and put them in a slot of my rig, they are displayed too big in relation with the previous assets. Actually, if I reattached one of my first resized asset to the same slot, it will appear bigger too. How can I constrain new asset attached to a slot, to have the same size relation that the previous ones?
I guess I could export every new png asset at scale 0.6, place them in spine and then overwrite them in the folder at scale 1. Basically copying what I did the first time. However, this is... not such a nice / clean process.
Is there any proper solution?