Harald написавThanks very much for reporting!
Ok I think I solved it. I'll leave it here for anyone else that runs into this problem.
1) Delete the Spine \ Spine Example folders
install new runtimes
2) Do not enable these export settings.

It worked for me. Not sure why. But I can get skins working finally. :detective:
I thought it was Skins related, but it might be a Spine 3.8 ~> Unity 2020.1 issue instead?
I tried exporting JSON and as a binary (renamed to .skel.bytes and still get the Missing Atlas error.) 🙁
I've attached the test PSD (with GIMP exported JSON) and the exported atlas files.
I'm wondering if the spine runtimes are conflicting with older versions? If we completely delete the Spine \Spine Examples folders, does it clean out the runtimes?
I get this red error in Unity
Error reading skeleton JSON file for SkeletonData asset: Prop_Truck_GIMP_SkeletonData
Error reading attachment: Truck, skin: SkinA
at Spine.SkeletonJson.ReadSkeletonData (System.IO.TextReader reader) [0x00ec8] in C:\ProjectY\Assets\Spine\Runtime\spine-csharp\SkeletonJson.cs:315
at Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset.ReadSkeletonData (System.String text, Spine.AttachmentLoader attachmentLoader, System.Single scale) [0x00014] in C:\ProjectY\Assets\Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Asset Types\SkeletonDataAsset.cs:244
at Spine.Unity.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData (System.Boolean quiet) [0x0009d] in C:\ProjectY\Assets\Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Asset Types\SkeletonDataAsset.cs:170
Unity 2020.1.15f1 Test Project
I followed this tutorial. Is there a newer method now?
Hi @[видалено]
I'm running into the same issues also. Please find the current installs.
Unity 2020.1.15f1
spine-unity 3.8 (updated 2020-12-09, changelog)
Spine 3.8.99 Pro
Am I missing anything else?

It will ask to browse, but cannot find the .asset file
will stop the import
won't import anything.
I tried with SpineBoy and got the same error

Thanks for your help :wounded: