Hello, I'm currently using the trial version of Spine, and I was wondering if there was a way to stop panning in the editor from smoothing when you let go of the right mouse button.
I tend to be very fidgety when I work, and I'm constantly panning around the editor; in Spine, this leads my viewport camera to be constantly slipping around, and it feels very unnatural. When I pan somewhere, I want to be looking at exactly that spot, but when I let go of the RMB, the camera moves another inch. I know you can hold the RMB and wait a second before letting go to stop the smoothing, but this wastes a ton of time when I'm constantly panning around.
As a side note; I've been wanting to buy Spine for a while, but stuff like this keeps me from dishing out the $300 required. If what I'm inquiring about here isn't possible right now, as a suggestion, I'd recommend adding more editor usability options (a better hotkey system for example). Editor feel is extremely important to me when I'm going to be spending hours maneuvering around in it.
Thank you to anyone that reads this.