aimajin написавwhen i do the first part where you grab all the attachments and create a skin placeholder... when it creates them it throws assets all over screen and my animations are messed up.
Could you specifically post a video or screenshots of this happening? Unless it's the first screenshot, in which cas,e I think what you're seeing is simply all the images being turned on, just as at 3:50 of the video you linked. (and judging by the number of alternative legs shown in the screenshot, I'm pretty positive that's what is happening)
The solution would therefore be to just deactivate the skin placeholders that don't need to be active, as in the video, to fix it (:
By the way, if you choose "Rename attachments" at 4:11, the part where the skins path needs to be changed again won't be necessary, as Spine will automatically use the skin name as the new folder!
Let me know how it goes 😃