Interesting. You're right, there seems to be two camps. Just found this article having the same confusion:
It looks like the difference between the two camps is
- A sees it from the perspective of curves/movement
IN is left, OUT is right (Google, CSS, Greensock, developers ...)
- B sees it from the perspective of keyframes/poses
OUT is left, IN is right (so the complete opposite) (Premiere fades, 12 princ. ...)
What I know for a fact is that all Javascript animation frameworks and CSS I used last years all work with IN at the start of a curve and OUT at the end of the curve. And animations are curve-focussed (type A).
Just take a look here for Greensock (most used animation lib there is on js):
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Threejs (most used 3D lib for the web)
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
EaselJs/CreateJs (output of AnimateCC, former Flash, for HTML5)
Used as renderer for games on the web and output by Animate CC when building for HTML5.
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Here for CSS
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Google Developers about UI animations
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Flash Actionscript 3
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Phaser game lib
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Robbert Penner's easing equasions
Ported by developers to several programming languages and used inside animation libs.
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Broadcast graphics
Working for years with several graphics software programs (2d/3d from titles to full virtual sets) for broadcast industry (television, like game shows and sports), I've always seen and used type A in both editors and APIs.
Figma design software (UI with animations)
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
Some random tutorials on UI/internet/games animation
Type A: Ease-In is slow at start
To my surprise I now see Premiere is not in camp A, but in camp B:
They look at it from a keyframe focussed way: LEAVING a keyframe (OUT) or ARRIVING at a keyframe (IN)
After Effects
Looks like After Effects is also in Camp B, just like Premiere.,coming%20out%20of%20selected%20keyframes).
I just looked in DaVinci Resolve and they don't seem to use the terms, but only show icons of curves as far as I see it now.
conclusion for me
If I were to write animation-software that's extensively used for code, used by developers and used for internet and games, like Spine, I would choose for method A without a doubt, so IN is left and OUT is right of the curve, so focus on curves. Next to that I think it's most logical to think in curves, as that's at least how my brain works (my brain sees curves/movement and uses keyframes/poses to get those curves/movement), I think it's also best to stick with what other big companies and technologies in that market have chosen:
Google, CSS, Greensock, gamelibs, flash/as3, threejs, createjs etc. all chose type A (perspective on curves, IN is left, OUT is right) and the developer world seems to have chosen the same in general. I think that's the market Spine is in so to me that would be the obvious choice to go with.
Especially because when working with both Spine and Javascript or other animation code libs together it's very confusing to use both systems together. We want to have one universal way of using the terms and developer-world seems to have chosen type A. Otherwise when animating one thing of the project with Greensock and than animating with Spine in the same project would be confusing.
Another reason to chose type A: We always first say ease-in and than ease-out when we say both so it makes sense ease-in is left and ease-out is right.
I see that's also happening in toonboom (I don't own the software, but see it on their page). So it looks like they work curve-focussed too (type A):
Switching to terms like 'slow out' and 'slow in' doesn't solve this issue, as it's still using IN and OUT, and that's where the confusion is. Also, an ease-in can also be elastic or bounce and that has nothing to do with slow or fast.
Nate написавFriebel написавease IN is slowly at the start, faster at the end and ease OUT directly starts and is slow at the end
Note that you can have a transition that eases out and also eases in.
Yes, I understand. Then the curve has an ease-in-out. Or in libs like Greensock or EaselJs could be things like ease.backInOut or ease.cubicInOut.