Hello everyone!
I'm using Spine for our game and would like to put the animation on the UI Canvas. Sadly I can't find suitable shader for the UI in URP.
this is a SkeletonMecanim using "Spine/Skeleton" shader

and then, this one is using shader from "Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Sprite-Lit-Default" and not placed on the canvas. This one looks good, but not suitable shader for UI

This one is placed on the canvas and using the "Spine/SkeletonGraphic" shader. This one works, I can even mask the Skeleton using MaskGraphic component, but as you can see it looks like it has some glitch around the border

I can use the shader from "Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Sprite-Lit-Default" but the masking component seems gave no effect to it

Is there any specific settings I should use to make the character's skeleton can be placed on the UI and being masked?
Thank you for the helps!
Whooops! Never mind! I managed to get it working by set the Straight Alpha Texture to true on the material settings :grinteeth: