Hey guys, the replace menu is awesome, but I feel like I'm overlooking how it would apply to this situation. If I wanted to create a bunch of skins by setting up a first skin and then duplicating it, all the skin placeholders don't get duplicated along with the new skin, the new skin simply also references the same skin placeholders. Because of this, I can't think of a way to use the replace tool to speed up the process of creating a lot of skins which reference different attachments. I feel like I'm focused on the wrong approach, and am missing some really obvious place where the tool could speed things up. Halp.
Aha, I just realized that since I can't have more than one skin active at a time in the editor, it might actually be duplicating all the attachments when I copy a skin, and I just didn't see any sign of it doing that since all the attachments from one skin disappear in the tree when the attachments from the other appear. I'll test this out, but I'll bet that's what I was missing! Sorry I violated this topic's eternal slumber for naught! :angel:
yep, that worked :p Kudos for Spine, weeks in and this is smoothest experience I've ever had with a third party tool. Spine truly does what it sets out to do.