SephoneOfDestruction написав1. I can set up the new leg ("leg_lower_front_r") for the one skin, but is there a way to copy over that region and mesh to the second skin so that the meshes and weights are identical in both skins?
Sure! here's some options with steps to duplicate a region or mesh attachment:
- Select the attachment you want to also have in the other skin and while you are in setup mode, hit the duplicate button.
- Move the duplicate under the slot but not under any skin placeholder so it's visible no matter the selected skin.
- Activate the skin where you'd like to add the duplicate.
- Move the duplicate inside the same skin placeholder it was in the other skin.
In the case of two meshes that are identical in size, you could also use a linked mesh so that when you edit one the other is also changed along.
In this case instead of pressing the duplicate button in the bottom properties, you can choose New...
and then Linked mesh
and then continue with the rest of the steps.
SephoneOfDestruction написав2. When I get that new leg meshed, the mesh's name becomes "PC_Front/leg_lower_front_r", where "PC_Front" is the name of the skin folder. When I try to rename the mesh to just "leg_lower_front_r" so that the name matches the naming scheme used for all other slots, meshes, and regions, the path gets rewritten so that the region becomes unlinked from the mesh. I can only get that new leg to show up if I have the mesh named "PC_Front/leg_lower_front_r", which is completely throwing me off because it's the only thing in my rig with a dumb name like that. How can I fix this?
The naming scheme depends on your folder structure. Normally you'd have a folder for each skin, so if you don't, I assume you have some images in a folder and some not despite wanting both in different skins. The norm would be to have most images names with that kind of folder in it really.
However, yes I get the obsession with naming, 100%. So let's see what we can do to ease the struggle.
A first simple compromise may be to hide the ugly folders by checking Hide Skin Names
in the tree view settings:
Tree view - Spine User Guide: Hide skin names
But I know this may not be enough, ideally what I'd do would be to reorganize all the skins in neat folders and then change the names of the images also in Spine to have everyhitng matching again. if you hate those and would like to see pretty names instead, you could go to Find and Replace
and change the name of an attachment first, and then change the path so you see it pretty but it still points to the correct folder.
Tree view - Spine User Guide: Find and replace
This can be time consuming to do for all images, so you could use RegEx to do it in one go. You can see some examples of how it works in the user guide, what I'd do would probably be to match all in the search like this: (.*)
and then in replace recall it and add the path of the skin folder: skinpath/$1
after setting the scope to path and enabling the RegEx in the search field. (I'm mentioning this, but if you are interested in more details, I believe I showed this on the forum and on streams and can search for them in case).
This should fix your attachment naming problem.
SephoneOfDestruction написавI am new to adding alternative attachments, so maybe I am using the skin placeholders incorrectly? Should I be creating a new slot for "leg_lower_front_r", with the skin placeholder and mesh within that slot? And then I toggle the slots as visible/not-visible instead of toggling the skin placeholders?
You should not have separate slots for the same part, and the way you are using skin placeholders is correct but you just need to populate all the skins!