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  • atlas pack problem

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hey guys how are and sorry for many questions as i'm newbie with this atlas packing thing :grinteeth: :nerd:

it worked fine with 1 atlas for the developer, but assets and characters increased so scene with textures increased so i exported with this settings as always but there's an issue with developer as this happens and we assumed it's atlas or texture packing issue, so he told me if possiple to compine 2 atlas into 1, what do you think i shall do :think: :rolleyes:

Does the developer use the SkeletonGraphic component to show your skeleton in Unity? The SkeletonGraphic component is limited to a single texture by default. So if you try to use the SkeletonGraphic component to display a skeleton that has more than one texture, things will go wrong.

The settings that you shared seem normal. For a quick check, your export data is fine if your skeleton shows up correctly in the preview when you select the Skeleton Data, not in the Unity scene:
spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Preview

thanks for quick reply misaki, yeah it seems i gone overboard with atlas and textures, but after optimizing and removing unnecessary attachments in spine, it all packed in 1 atlas. hopfully it works after this optimization

edit: it worked guys a matter of 2 atlas with unnecessary attachments, thanks for the help 😉 🙂