I'm writing a script that:
generates skeletons from .spine files
moves the skeletons into various directories
generates whatever atlases are required by those skeletons
moves the atlases into another directory (for organization reasons; this is not negotiable)
automatically assigns to each skeleton the appropriate atlas
However: before the script can reach step 5, the editor has already shown errors like this many many times:

Clicking "import without atlases" works fine, but requires a human to sit and click the button each time it appears (and on a large enough import, this might be many many times). (Clicking 'stop importing' prevents the rest of the popups, but also prevents the rest of the automated steps that ARE required.)
Is there any way for me to suppress this warning appearing when Unity imports a .skel.bytes file, since I know that my script is going to take care of the atlas assignment a moment later?