Hi! I recently started using Spine on my game as I want to implement cinematics using animated meshes. I need these animations to play on Unscaled Game Time but somehow the animation is always playing in Scaled Time, even if I switch it manually from script.
Is this normal? Is there an option I'm missing? 😢
I'm using Unity 2018.4 and Spine Runtime 4.0 + Timeline extensions and playing the animation using the Playable Director
Any help would be kindly appreciated, thank you!
Nevermind, fixed it by deciding to drop the PlayableDirector / Timeline use (as it couldn't be controlled not even by script, even the PlayOnAwake function was being called even though I had it deactivated).
Instead I controlled the animation using the SkeletonAnimation script and updated the animation manually using unscaled time.
If anyone knows anything though please let me know, not sure but I may need use the Timeline in the future.