Hi Nate, thanks for fixing the window rezise bug
Delete Shortcuts
About Layers I meant elements in tree at this moment if user wants to delete element he need to click on it + click on "X" button + click Ok in delete dialog.
So much click for a such simple task. Why simply not adding a delete shortcuts that will only show popup with a checkbox with "don't ask me anymore". That will apply as well for the "x" button.
Open In from Finder
Another thing that I thing is problematic on mac is .spine file linking, why come I can't double click spine file and it will open in spine? either drag-n-drop on dock icon? That for some time is very annoying.
Export Dialog
Any way to make export save dialog more like Open Dialog?
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Assign Spine to current space
On Mac and as far I remember on Linux every app can be assigned to other desktop space,
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I'm really missing it.
Btw. How I can on Mac make another instance of spine? I know about "Single Instace" in Settings but then what?