owo Take the code as an example,How to play the specified animation when the mouse clicks the model in the web player? <script <removed> <link rel="stylesheet" <removed> <div id="player-container" style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;"></div> <script> new spine.SpinePlayer("player-container", { jsonUrl: "http://esotericsoftware.com/files/examples/4.0/spineboy/export/spineboy-pro.json", atlasUrl: "http://esotericsoftware.com/files/examples/4.0/spineboy/export/spineboy.atlas" }); </script>
Mario Here's a simple example on Codepen that plays an animation when the player's div is clicked: https://codepen.io/badlogicgames/pen/qBKRXKW
owo Thank you very much for your reply, very useful! If a model has two PNG files of clothing textures, can the textures be switched when player's div clicked? If so how to achieve
Mario Use the skins feature for that: Skins - Spine User Guide You can pack multiple outfits into a single texture atlas so you don't have to manually load/swap png files. Just set the skin: player.skeleton.setSkinByName("name-of-the-skin");