Hi Erikari,
Thanks for contacting me about the Networking post on Spine. It's nice to meet you.
To let you know know a little more about us, we're the Japan side publishing company for a visual novel that was funded through Kickstarter called Libra of the Vampire Princess (kickstarter.com/projects/mikandijapan/libra-of-the-vampire-princess-visual-novel-english). We also helped produce Air Bonsai ( and I personally advised Bloody Chronicles (
The project I posted about on the forum will also be done through crowdfunding. Right now we're in the pre-production phase and my main focus is making the budget.
I was happy to read your message and catch the word "moe" in your reply. That's exactly what we need to make. I had a look at your portfolio and saw that you've created many different facial expressions for your characters. I know you said you wanted to try a Spine anime character, but I'm curious if you have anything similar that we could see? Also, how about rigging examples? Besides that, you mentioned you're working part-time for Esoteric Software... is that development work for Spine?
To be honest, the first time I heard of Spine was last week. We will build this game on Visionaire Studio which will also be a first for us. Normally this game would be built on a professional Japanese engine like our clients other games, but their engine does not have mobile support and we want this new game to be on many platforms. We know the company behind emote (http://emote.mtwo.co.jp/) which is the technology we were planning on using to animate our characters, but getting it to work with Visionaire Studio doesn't sound easy. That's when a guy on the Visionaire Studio forum told me to check out Spine because it already works with VS. I've checked some tutorials and I saw how "skins" can be used which looks like a huge time saver, still I have no idea about development time and costs.
I would like to share more details of our project, but I would need you to sign a confidentiality agreement first. Would that be acceptable? Then I can show you some examples of what we want to do and also send you a PSD that is an example of the layers that one of our Japanese artist created for one of our previous games.
Here's my Skype too. I can sign on if you would like to chat: aaron.enterstellar
BTW I tried to send you an email a couple of days ago but I noticed it bounced back.