Hi there
We've found a strange bug as we wanted to export our spinefile with a scalefactor of 0.5
If you do so without the use of a suffix the following error occurs:
"Writing 128x128: blablabla\0.png
Error: Error writing pack file. Error: blablabla\0.5\file.atlas (System couldn`t find path)"
It seems to expect a folder called "0.5" - so if we create this folder and export again spine creates a "filename.atlas" within the 0.5 folder and "filename.json" as well as a "0.png" (wich seems to be the scaled texture) within the parent folder. If we additionally export the scale factor 1 that one works as supposed (creating a "filename.png" within a automaticly cretaed folder called "1")
I hope you can help us.
You do a great job with spine anyway! :yes: