I'm desperately trying to combine full body animations with arms animations for shooting, magic, etc.
My character is playing full body animations (idle, walk, run...) on track 0.
Arm animations are played on track 1.
To be able to blend full body and arm animations I use a little trick :
Say, while track 0 is playing the run animation, if I want to make my character shoot while running, I play an empty animation on track 1 and then the real shoot animation.
animationState.SetAnimation(1, emptyAnimation, false);
animationState.SetAnimation(1, shootAnimation, false);
That way, the arm is correctly interpolated from the current position (depending of the full body animation) towards the shoot animation.
But when the shoot animation is complete I can't get to bring back the arm to the position it should be in the full body animation. with the same blending. But the arm returns to position immediately without any interpolation.
How can I achieve that?