There are no errors. The character doesn't show.
But if we change Phaser to 3.55.2, it loads.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how we can solve this ?
Thanks !
Our binary and atlas are exported as 4.1 from spine Pro 4.1.20.
Dependancies are:
"@esotericsoftware/spine-canvas": "^4.2.14",
"@esotericsoftware/spine-core": "^4.2.14",
"@esotericsoftware/spine-phaser": "^4.2.14",
"@esotericsoftware/spine-webgl": "^4.2.14",
"phaser": "^3.6.0",
import * as spine from "@esotericsoftware/spine-phaser";
plugins: {
scene: [
{ key: "SpinePlugin", plugin: spine.SpinePlugin, mapping: "spine" }
and then in our scene, we are doing
preload() {
this.load.spineBinary("sw-data", " ");
this.load.spineAtlas("sw-atlas", "");
create(data) {
const walker = this.add.spine(400, 400, 'sw-data', "sw-atlas");
walker.scale = 5.5;
walker.animationState.setAnimation(0, "idle", true);
We can console.log('spaceWalker', walker)
the walker as
spaceWalker: SpineGameObject {_events: Events, _eventsCount: 2, scene: Scene, displayList: DisplayList, type: 'spine', …}active: trueanimationState: AnimationState {tracks: Array(1), timeScale: 1, unkeyedState: 394, events: Array(0), listeners: Array(0), …}animationStateData: AnimationStateData {animationToMixTime: {…}, defaultMix: 0, skeletonData: SkeletonData}blendMode: -1body: nullboundsProvider: SetupPoseBoundsProvider {}cameraFilter: 0data: nulldisplayList: DisplayList {parent: SkullValley, list: Array(3047), position: 0, addCallback: ƒ, removeCallback: ƒ, …}height: 632.6057272606988ignoreDestroy: falseinput: nullname: ""parentContainer: nullplugin: SpinePlugin {pluginManager: PluginManager, game: Game, scene: Scene, systems: Systems, pluginKey: 'spine', …}premultipliedAlpha: truerenderFlags: 15scene: Scene {sys: Systems, game: Game, anims: AnimationManager, cache: CacheManager, plugins: PluginManager, …}skeleton: Skeleton {_updateCache: Array(42), skin: null, scaleX: 1, _scaleY: 1, x: 0, …}state: 0tabIndex: -1type: "spine"w: 0width: 436.99995794674743x: 800y: 800z: 0_displayOriginX: 208.4079727186385_displayOriginY: 617.5400512433267_events: Events {addedtoscene: EE, removedfromscene: EE}_eventsCount: 2_scaleX: 0.5_scaleY: 0.5alpha: (...)alphaBottomLeft: (...)alphaBottomRight: (...)alphaTopLeft: (...)alphaTopRight: (...)angle: (...)depth: (...)displayHeight: (...)displayWidth: (...)rotation: (...)scale: (...)visible: (...)displayOriginX: (...)displayOriginY: (...)scaleX: (...)scaleY: (...)[[Prototype]]: BaseSpineGameObject