shy there is no numeric input for vertices or handles, making it hard to line things up.
As for precise numeric input, I've added your +1 to the request here:
shy you can't add new points after the end of an existing path, or before the beginning of one.
Yes, as per user guide:
The Create tool allows new knots to be created by clicking between existing knots.
So you'd have to move the last know where you want the new end to be and add vertices in between.
shy if you have a closed path you can't make it open again (the closed setting is greyed out).
I just double checked this, the checkbox can be checked or unchecked in the path properties as usual, but you have to be in setup mode or it will be greyed out. You cannot change this option mid-animation, if you intended to do so, it may be better to switch to a different path.
shy the handles on a point can't be removed, for making straight line segments. You have to alt-drag a cusp and get it close enough to a straight line.
yes they cannot, it is however possible to paste the same vertex transform on each of them to make the handles and knot be exactly in the same spot:
Here is a skeletember to demonstrate it:
shy there are no basic shape constructors, like circles, arcs, spirals, stars, etc.
I've added your +1 here:
shy it occurs to me that another option could be to import something like a single-path SVG you create in external vector art programs as a path asset, similar to image assets
We do not currently offer this out of the box, however, it is possible to manipulate the json info exported and imported from/into Spine so you may try to look into that.