Hi guys,
i don't know if it is a bug or not, but I have noticed it, so i will share it:
When i setup/prepare some ghosting parameters as in Sinisa's "Arc" tutorial video to detect the bone motion via a small circle and then close and reopen spine again, the settings are not saved.
I chose the following options for the "motion detect" bone:

The options for the 2 buttons ("only show ghosting for the selction" and "prevent ghosting items from changing the selction") won't be saved. I understand when i reopen spine there is no selection, but i had expected the selection is still on the same bone, when the "lock"-button is active and the project was saved.
It's only a little bit annoying, when you open a large spine project with a lot of assets and the ghosting is still active, the complete project is blue (in my case because of ghosting setup) and you need to find first the right bone for the ghosting again.
Let me know your thoughts.
By the way: The Arc-tracker tip was mind blowing for me. You can detect/correct so many timing and spacing issues with it. For me it is like new feature of 4.2. 🙂