I apologize for my vague description earlier. Let me detail my experience.
First, I used spine-runtimes 4.1.00 on GitHub. Then, following the official documentation process, I opened it with Unreal Engine 5.3.2. It was able to compile successfully and run perfectly.
Next, I will attempt to use spine-runtimes 4.2Example on GitHub, because I noticed that only this project contains "celestial-circus".
I am using Windows 11, Unreal Engine 5.3.2, and Visual Studio 2022 17.9.4 .
I have prepared according to the official procedure:
Then I right-clicked on SpineUE.uproject to generate SpineUE.sln, and opened SpineUE.sln to run Local Windows Debugger, the following error popped up:
Then I opened SpineUE.uproject, and the same error occurred.
I'm not sure if my description is detailed enough, please contact me if you need more details. I hope to use the physical effects of spine4.2 in the Unreal Engine as soon as possible. Thanks for the reply!