Sure thing. I am on Win 11 v. 23H2. The spine log is the same before and after the audio quits working. I did notice something today, regardless of my headphones being plugged in "Default audio device" is the only option I see in the Aduio dropdown. On the gif below: 1st play is with headphones in and play button works. 2nd play is after unplug and the play no longer works. I do want to re-emphasize that the play button works some of the time after I unplug but the audio doesn't.

Spine Launcher 4.1.12
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 |
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
Intel, Intel(R) UHD Graphics, 4.6.0 - Build
Starting: Spine 4.1.24 Enterprise
Spine 4.1.24 Enterprise
Licensed to: <removed>
Using customized hotkeys: hotkeys-1.txt
OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
Update available: 4.2.12