The yellow warning symbols on the Physics Constraints indicate that there is a configuration issue with the constraints and the bones they affect. Specifically, these warnings can appear for several reasons:
Constraint and Bone Skins Mismatch: If bones affected by a constraint are in a skin but the constraint itself is not in that skin, you will get a warning. This is because the constraint cannot be applied when the bone's skin is not active. To fix this, add the constraint to the same skin as the bones.
Invalid Bone Length: If your physics constraint has properties like rotate, scaleX, or shearX greater than 0 and the bone length is 0, you will get a warning. The physics constraint cannot apply these properties to a bone with zero length.
Constraint Doing Nothing: If your physics constraint has all its properties (x, y, rotate, scaleX, shearX) set to 0, it will generate a warning because the constraint would effectively do nothing.
To resolve these warnings, ensure that the constraints are added to the same skins as the bones they affect. This will allow the constraints to be applied correctly when the corresponding skins are active.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the Skins - Spine User Guide.