RIM i can't change my spine mecanim's material
See the FAQ under "I tried assigning materials at the MeshRenderer, but it is not possible. Why?" on how materials are handled:
RIM so i changed spine's shader to URP sprite-lit-default, and light seems like working but there's wired outline appears on my object.
What do you mean by "Spine's shader"? If you mean you've changed the shader at the generated Material next to your skeleton assets, then that's the right way to change the material for all instances.
By "wired outline" I assume you mean a black outline. That's because you've exported as PMA and don't use a suitable shader, see the FAQ here:
RIM I'm trying to find skeleton Lit but there is no Skeleton Lit in URP.. I have Spine/Skeleton Lit but I can't find it in URP.
You are in the wrong folder in your screenshot.
For a 3D URP setup you want to use Universal Render Pipeline/Spine/Skeleton Lit
for a 2D URP setup you want to use Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Spine/Skeleton Lit
See the documentation here for all URP shaders:
If you can't find it in the menu under Universal Render Pipeline/Spine/Skeleton Lit
your package installation likely has gone wrong.