Hello! I've been working on a jam project aimed at Windows and HTML5 with Spine2D and Godot. Unfortunately, right at the finish line I'm stumbling across a problem exporting builds - while Windows exports perfectly fine, Web always errors out.
I've tried this with the export templates, with both the GDExtension method (the way I built the game) and the custom Spine Godot build for 4.3. Both error out in slightly different ways, yet the spirit remains the same:
Failed to open res://bin/web/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.nothreads.wasm
editor/export/editor_export_platform.h:182 - Export: Could not write file: "libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.nothreads.wasm".
Spine2D custom Godot build
Failed to open res://bin/web/libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.nothreads.wasm
D:\a\spine-runtimes\spine-runtimes\spine-godot\godot\editor\export\editor_export_platform.h:182 - Export: Could not write file: "libgdexample.web.template_release.wasm32.nothreads.wasm".
All four .wasm files are on disk at /bin/web, and are not read-only. I've attempted to re-import them multiple times from a fresh download in case they were corrupted, and this does not seem to be the case.