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  • Misaki відповіли на це.
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    Spine目前并没有计划实现类似Live2D的网格变形器或AI动画功能。虽然有用户建议过引入AI功能,但目前的开发重点仍然是改进和完善现有的动画创建功能。关于Spine 4.3的更新,虽然具体的功能尚未公布,但可以期待的是,Spine团队会继续专注于提高动画制作的效率和灵活性。至于智能蒙皮系统或批量蒙皮功能,目前还没有相关的计划或公告。

    yugutou Our thoughts on AI are as Spinebot responded, but some of the features and improvements that will be added in 4.3 are already available on Changelog:

    You can also see the features planned for 4.3 by selecting the “4.3” tag on the Spine Roadmap page:

    As you can see there, "Constrain different transform properties" and "Allow linked meshes to be moved to a different slot" are planned as significant improvements for 4.3.

    • yugutou відповіли на це.

      Misaki 感谢,我想我明白你的意思了




      • Misaki відповіли на це.

        yugutou Thanks for the suggestion! I think it is an interesting opinion.
        Speaking of weights, an idea of taking pen pressure into account in the brush mode of weights has actually been on our roadmap for quite some time, and I think the kind of weight changes you are hoping for will be easier to create when pen pressure sensitivity is available: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor535

        Even with the current feature, it is easier to achieve such weights by first setting the Strength a bit lower and then clicking several times while resizing the brush with the hotkey. While it is true that this cannot be achieved with a single click, I personally feel that it is not a very time-consuming operation once you get used to it. (By default, the hotkey for increasing brush size is ' and for decreasing it is ;.)

        • yugutou відповіли на це.

          Misaki 目前的笔刷,当调低羽化的时候,里面的小圈是完全没有过度的。我认为给里面的小圈也加上点过度,能解决这个问题,让笔刷更好用 XD

          • Misaki відповіли на це.

            yugutou Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but after discussing this within the Spine team, it seems that there was in fact a previous discussion within the team about implementing non-linear brushes, but it was not implemented at that time because other features were prioritized. There was no issue ticket for this feature yet, so I created it here: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor871
            You can subscribe to this issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue. Thanks for your suggestion!

            • yugutou відповіли на це.

              Misaki 非常感谢您能够重视这个问题!

              • Misaki вподобали це.