Rayvell We are beginners in Unity and C#, and looking for some simple example of Script which controlles switching animation by physics or pressing keys. We just want to get some little example for understand how it works
Mitch http://www.xdtech.net/spine/SpineboyUni ... itypackage bare-bones 2D physics controller with idle, walk, run, hit, and death functions make sure you have all of the Spine-Unity runtimes imported first.
Rayvell Mitch написавhttp://www.xdtech.net/spine/SpineboyUnityExample.unitypackage bare-bones 2D physics controller with idle, walk, run, hit, and death functions make sure you have all of the Spine-Unity runtimes imported first. Great thanks! This pack will really helpful! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: