I would use this topic to post another smaller bug with IK.
I'm working with an animation which uses IK on the legs, just like the video tutorial.
This is how i have the constraints.

Then i turned the constraint influence to 0, so to work freely with legs bones. (i was working on a jumping animation)
The first keyframe of the animation have 100 influence. The 2th frame goes to 0, 'till the second to last frame. Last frame goes back to 100.
The bug now is: At some point, the IK influence for a constraint, won't stay to 0. I have a 20 frames animation, and at frame 8 the ik is 0,9999-many numbers.
Even if i manually set it to 0 via keyboard, it will reset as soon as i deselect the keyframe (or reselect it).
Seems that only That specific constraint gives this bug.

(I've forgot to write the name of the IK on the pic! The selected one is Tom, which is having an hard time due his small influence driving him around in the animation. Bob, on the right, is just fine and at 0 influence, so he doesn't care about what i do with his beloved bones.)
This, so far, isn't an heavy bug and the animation comed out well. It is just a time-drain bug which forced me to set influence to 0 every time i had to modify something in that keyframe. Pretty annoying! =o=
That's all. :3
I hope these images helps to you to find the problem, and also hoping you can understand my messy english.
Help Tom & Bob to stay together! D: