I have some questions about using Sprite. I appreciate if you can help me 🙂
-How can i delete an object from the workarea? and from the Tree?
-First, i built my character on the workarea, after, i make the bones, if i move bones, the characters isn move, only bones are moving, why?
-What is the order to create a full body rig? First made arms, legs etc and after merge it or begin for the torso?
-If i begin for the torso and i make bones to head and after bones to legs, it not let me create bones to bottom from the torso, it makes other bone over the torso.
-I have the root on the center of the workarea, my character is over it, how can i move the root to the torso of the charac? or how can i select all the charac to the root?
Thanks for all!