Hi, I am having some difficulty with Spine and Unity when using slots. I followed your video and was able to attach weapons to a slot no problem. When I run it within Unity everything is great I can see the weapons correctly attached to the slot I provided. Then when I create a build for other people to try out the weapons are missing. They seem to appear for 1 frame when I add them but then disappear immediately. This happens for both windows and mac builds.
Here is an example of code I am using for adding to the slot
skeletonRenderer.skeleton.AttachUnitySprite("blank_weapon",weaponSprite) ;
so I am attaching the weapon right after starting the idle animation.
Works fine when run in Unity 🙁
Any ideas what I am missing here? I just seen in an above post that I should use the scripts in the repo and not the spine package provided. Is this still the case? Ill try this when I get home from work. If anyone has any other ideas about what could be the issue here I am all ears!
Edit: Ok I tried using the repo instead of the package but the issues remain when I make a build. I am using unity 5 if that matters?