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  • New video - IK example setup

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We've uploaded a new video today on how you can use IK on a character.
Enjoy! 🙂

Very detailed. I'll start animating the playercharacter of my game soon.
This video will be pretty helpful, as I still learning Spine and its IK features in depth.

Thanks! 😉

I want to make the arm point to a constraint.
The constraint will be the weapon target.
How to do this for 3 bones?

@BlackCapApps IK only works for one or two bones.
For your use case I would use IK for the upper and lower arm, not the hand/gun. Alternatively you would have to chain two IK chains. One with two bones and another with one bone, then make the arm constraint a child of the gun constraint. At runtime you could then do something "fancy" like having the arm constraint lag benhind the gun constraint a bit.

When will the documentation be updated for all these new features? I'm wanting to adjust the MIX of a IK constraint during runtime but theres no documentation on that stuff. I'll probably figure it out but would be nice to have updated docs.