We have a strange bug going on:
This appears at some animations of our characters. I'll give you an example of the one character which makes it easy to reproduce. ( The animation-names (or charcterstates) can differ from character to character wich seem to have this problem - so it's not caused by the state - just to make this clear 😉 )
The caracter starts with an "idle" animation, he can walk, attack, etc. once he gets frozen by the player ("frozen" is an extra animation) and changes back from the "frozen" animation to the "idle" animation some sprites are gone/invissible.
We've found out that this seems to have to do with the draw order set at the "idle" animation.
When frozen, the draw order (of the slot containing the dissapearing sprite) is different and as well the "frozen" as the "idle" animations have keyframes for the draw order.
For testing I changed the draw order of the specific slot during the "idle" animarion an voila - the sprites were visible again.
Unfortunately the sprites disappear again when I delete my testkeys or delete all draworder keys and set a new key for the desired order.
btw: the draw order set at the "idle" animation is the default order from the setup (don't know if this helps).
We use the latest version of spine (2.0.23) and the latest version of the cocos 2d 2 runtime.
I also opened the json with your SkeletonViewer and everything looked fine. So maybe the problem is to find within the cocos runtime (as your skeletonviewer is libgdx I think)?
Any idea?
Sorry for doubleposting but this one really makes us nervous as the releasedate is very close.