foriero написавHello Mitch, we are moving now to Unity 5.0 and found out that this line in SceletonBaker is not supported in Unity 5.
UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController.AddAnimationClipToController(controller, clip);
We solved it by deleting SkeletonBaker for now but can you please look into it? Thank you.
Sure, when Unity 5 comes out 😛
Seriously though it might be a while before I get to it. In the mean time you can just comment out that line and it will still create the animationclip's, but it wont automatically add them to the controller. they will still be added to the .controller permanent asset, but not to the mecanim graph. Just have to drag them in when its done.
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Diffuse, Normal (RGB) Spec (A)
Directional Light controlling non-cel-shaded spec hit, shadows, and subtle bump influence
Point Light controlling cel-shaded diffuse and stronger bump influence, disabled spec hit