Mitch написавYou should learn C#.
srsly tho
var skeletonRenderer : SkeletonRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent("SkeletonRenderer");
I really need to but unfortunately I don't have the time to translate the whole project over to C# at this moment.
That reference is working now but now I'm having problems with the SkeletonAnimationInspector not being created when I move the runtime to the plugins folder. In order to import the namespace into the JS script, Unity requires that all the C# scripts be in the Plugins folder so that they are compiled first.
Here's the error:
Instance of SkeletonAnimationInspector couldn't be created. The script class needs to derive from ScriptableObject and be placed in the Assets/Editor folder.
Any workaround for this? I understand your support is focused on C# users so it's no big deal if it can't be helped. In the meantime, I'll continue :bang: :bang: :bang: until I have the time to sort this out.